Día de la Candelaria in the Lake Patzcuaro Region

The “Día de la Candelaria” (Candlemass Day) is an important celebration that takes place February 2 every year on the shores of Lake Patzcuaro.  Here, it has come to celebrate the “syncretism” of cultures and religions that exists in our lacustrine área.

Mexican festivals and celebrations to enjoy at Lake Pátzcuaro Area
Mexican festivals and celebrations to enjoy at Lake Pátzcuaro Area

Hotel Mansion Iturbe invites you to visit our typical lakeside villages on this special date.  Each community celebrates Día de la Candelaría in its own way.  Essentially, seeds and corncobs are carried to the village temple to be blessed.  This hopefully will increase the possibilities that the upcoming harvest will be a productive one.  The festivities are filled with color, music, and joy on the shored of Lake Patzcuaro and its famous islands.
San Jeronimo Church in Janitizio, MIchoacan, Mexico.
San Jeronimo Church in Janitzio, Michoacan, Mexico.
The island of Janitzio is a symbolic  area of Michoacan.  The community proudly preserves its culture and ancestral customs.  Visiting the Temple of San Jeronimo (Janitzio’s patron saint) on Dia de la Candelaria, you will observe the Christ Child dressed in special attire with images made of corn paste, a technique known by the Purepechas (indigenas) as j’atzingueni, which originated in the Lake Patzcuaro region.

Candlemas Day at Janitzio Island at Lake Patzcuaro
Candlemas Day at Janitzio Island at Lake Patzcuaro

Candlemas at Janitzio Island at Lake Patzcuaro
Candlemas at Janitzio Island at Lake Pátzcuaro
In Tocuaro they also hold an important festival full of mysticism called “La Fiesta de los Negritos” (Festival of the Little Black Ones), where they perform a “collective pastorela,” which resonates the belief that, had the Baby Jesus not been presented in the church, he still would be susceptible to fall prey to the enticements of Hell.

Tocuaro during Dia de la Candelaria festivity of February 2
Tocuaro during Dia de la Candelaria festivity of February 2

Festival of the Little black ones in Tocuaro on February 2
On the Día de la Candelaria, there is a lot of activity on the streets of Patzcuaro.  People bring their Baby Jesus to the various temples of our Magical Town to be blessed, and the Basilica de Nuestra Señora de Pátzcuaro is resplendent with the religious fervor of the festivities.

February 2 marks the conclusion of the Christmas cycle; forty days have passed since the birth of the Baby Jesus and, according to religious beliefs, and the Virgin Mary could once again visit the temple.

Dia de la Candelaria in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México.
Dia de la Candelaria in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México.

According to tradition, the Baby Jesus is raised from the crib, and is dressed in special clothes and presented at the temple to receive blessing.  Each village has its own way of adorning its own Baby Jesus, making it as outstanding as possible.  So he is blessed with candles surrounding him, which will be used throughout the year so that the light never leaves our homes.

In Patzcuaro, the procession of the Dia de la Candelaria takes place with symbolic vehicles.  The participants begin at the Templo del Sagrario, and process saying the rosary, which is said solemnly, demonstrating both faith and joy.
Día de la Candelaría in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México.

The procession winds through the highlights of Patzcuaro, such as the Plaza Vasco de Quiroga and Plaza Gertrudis Bocanega, ending up at the Básilica.  A joyful mass is held, blessing the Baby Jesus once again.
*Text, pictures & videos property of Hotel Mansión Iturbe.
We invite you to check more articles in our blog, you will find information that will be useful for your next trip to Pátzcuaro.
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Ex Convent of Santa Ana in Tzintzuntzan a Jewel of Mexican Colonial Architecture

Hotel Mansión Iturbe
Portal Morelos 59
Plaza Vasco de Quiroga
61600 Pátzcuaro, Mich.

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Unknown ha dicho que…

“Parece media naranja, posada sobre sus gajos,
seguiré la acuosa senda, para estar entre tus brazos.”

San Jerónimo, bendito,
vengo a ti, te necesito,
mi existencia se desarma,
quiero encomendarte el alma.

Santo Patrón de Janitzio,
ando al pie del precipicio,
no he comprendido la vida,
¿cuál es su justa medida?

Docto Señor de la Biblia,
¿tal desgracia, quién concilia?,
¿sin fe, con desesperanza,
la paz interna se alcanza?

Soy fiel siervo, el más pequeño,
anhelo cumplir mi sueño,
busco amor desesperado,
dime, ¿cuento con tu amparo?

Miro la naturaleza,
tú cuidas esta grandeza,
cuando navego en el lago,
pienso . . . ¿cuál será mi pago?

¿Para encontrarme contigo,
merezco duro castigo?,
lacerado, sangro inerte,
llego hincado a conocerte.

En tu templo, fortaleza,
mi ser entero te reza,
ojalá que me escucharas
y, a mi corazón, le hablaras.

Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
Isla de Janitzio, Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México, a 05 de agosto del 2012
Dedicado al Señor Leonel Calderón López
Reg. SEP Indautor No. 03-2013-051712171201-14