Pátzcuaro’s Achoque, an Ancient Species

The achoque (ambystoma dumerilii) is an endemic of salamander species in danger of extinction in our Lake Pátzcuaro . One of the main factors that led it almost to disappear was the pollution of Lake Pátzcuaro , which has increased in recent years. Patzcuaro's Achoque, an Ancient Species Through different institutions, such as the CRIAP (Regional Center for Aquaculture and Fisheries Research) , the Michoacán University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH) , the Zacango Ecological Park, and organizations and institutions from other countries such as the Chester Zoo in England, as well as "The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund," much has been done in researching conservation of the species including, incredibly, the nuns of the convent of the Dominican Mothers in Pátzcuaro ! Pátzcuaro’s achoque syrup is a product created by the Dominican nuns as a treatment for respiratory diseases. The “dumerilii” part of the name indicates that there are medicina...