Traditional Cooks of Michoacan

“The Traditional Cooks of Michoacan” gained international fame as an Intangible UNESCO’s Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2010 in Nairobi, Kenya.  "Traditional Mexican cuisine, culture community, ancient and alive is the Michoacán paradigm".

Benedicta Alejo Master Cook from Michoacán
Benedicta Alejo Master Cook from Michoacán

In Michoacan, there are groups of cooks dedicated to traditional cuisine.  At Hotel Mansión Iturbe, we invite you to experience the unforgettable delicacies of our famous Traditional Cooks of Michoacán.
Michoacan Cuisine
Michoacan Cuisine

On the banks of Lake Patzcuaro, you will find the traditional hostels of Santa Fe de la Laguna, but you will also find traditional cooks in various communities of our lacustrine region, such as Tzintzuntzan, Tzurumútaro, Opongio, Erongarícuaro, Tarerio, San Jerónimo Purénchecuaro, and on the famous lake islands of Janitzio, Pcanda, or Yunuén.

Doña Ines Dimas making fresh lime juice in Santa Fe de La Laguna
Doña Ines Dimas making fresh lime juice in Santa Fe de La Laguna

Regional Mexican Cuisine in Michoacán
Regional Mexican Cuisine in Michoacán

If you want to delve yet deeper into the gastronomic adventure of traditional Michoacán cuisine, consider the less-traveled Purépecha Plateau villages of Angáhuan, Caltzontzin, Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro, San Lorenzo, or Zacán, or in the Cañada de los Once Pueblos, which includes the villages of Tarécuato, Chilchota, and Acachuén.
Juanita Bravo a renowned Master Cook from Michoacán
Juanita Bravo a renowned Master Cook from Michoacán
In the Traditional Michoacan Kitchen, we can see how the traditions of taste and texture persevere, handed down from one generation to the next.  We’re talking about dishes with a history, dishes that don’t change, because there’s no way to improve them!
Traditional Mexican Cuisine
Traditional Mexican Cuisine

Traditional Dishes - Mexican Food
Traditional Dishes - Mexican Food

This traditional cuisine has been preserved from mother to daughter to daughter to daughter, etc. Cooking is a major connection between generations, strengthening them and consolidating them.

A pre-hispanic Purépecha dish called Churipo
A pre-hispanic Purépecha dish called Churipo

Through the typical dishes prepared by the Traditional Cooks of Michoacan – besides discovering the flavors, aromas, colors, and textures – you will become acquainted with the traditions and customs of these communities.
Mexican Sweet Pumpkin Dessert made by the Traditional Cooks of Michoacan
Mexican Sweet Pumpkin Dessert made by the Traditional Cooks of Michoacan
Come to Patzcuaro, the hub and heart of Michoacan, to start your culinary adventure into Michoacan, and experience the age-old mysteries of our enchanting cuisine.
Traditional Cooks of MIchoacan in Santa Fe de la Laguna at Lake Patzcuaro Region
Traditional Cooks of MIchoacan in Santa Fe de la Laguna at Lake Pátzcuaro Región

*Text and pictures property of Hotel Mansión Iturbe.
We invite you to check more articles in our blog, you will find information that will be useful for your next trip to Pátzcuaro.
Here are some post that we suggest you:
Hotel Mansion Iturbe
Portal Morelos 59
Plaza Vasco de Quiroga
61600 Patzcuaro, Michoacan

For more information about our Hotel in Patzcuaro

Reservations online at Hotel Mansion Iturbe

Tels: +52 (434) 342 0368 / 342 3628

Fax: +52 (434) 342 3627

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