Ancient Codices and Canvasses of Michoacan a temporary show at the Museum in Patzcuaro

The Expo of Codices and Canvasses of Michoacan is now visiting our very own Art and Folk Museum in Pátzcuaro – barely two blocks up the street from Hotel Mansión Iturbe – is the brainchild of Dr. Carlos Paredes Martinez. Learn more about the history of Michoacan through these historic, illustrated documents, on display until December 22. Expo of Codices and Canvasses of Michoacan in Patzcuaro Via these media, you will see copies of important depictions of the indigenous’ history, customs, culture, economy, rites, and religious ceremonies as they were half a millennium ago. One of the most important documents of the era is “ La Relación de Michoacán” , the definitive narrative of the history of pre Colombian civilizations , including the history and customs of the Purépecha people, written by Fray Jerónimo de Alcalá in 1541 at the direction of the first Viceroy of New Spain, Don Antonio de Mendoza. (The original document is in the Biblioteca Real of San Lorenz...