Kitchen Implements of Traditional Mexican Cuisine

In Pátzcuaro , you can find a wide variety of traditional Mexican kitchen implements that date from the pre-Hispanic era. Michoacán was at the top of the list when they named Mexican cuisine as an “Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO: “Traditional Mexican Cuisine: Community Culture that is ancestral and alive – the Michoacán paradigm.” Traditional Mexican Kitchen Implements This “immaterial heritage” is made up of expressions, techniques, uses, and acquired knowledges, including implements. Traditional Mexican Kitchen in Patzcuaro, Michoacán Hotel Mansión Iturbe invites you to support the preservation of the Mexican traditions and cultural heritage of Mexico, by buying some of these implements, some of which are listed below: 1. Molcajete : The name comes from the náhuatl molli, which means “stew” or “sauce, and caxitl, meaning “basin.” It is a mortar made of volcanic rock, with ...