Plant Exchange in Patzcuaro

Patzcuaro ’s Exchange is a tradition that has persisted for centuries, going back to pre-Hispanic times when merchants from various Purepecha villages gathered here to sell their wares and sell them to other merchants. Plant Exchange in Pátzcuaro This tradition continues to this day, every Friday , in Patzcuaro (Plaza San Francisco), where people from around Lake Patzcuaro gather to show and sell not only their artisanware, but their horticulture, as well. Plant Exchange in Patzcuaro Plant Exchange in Patzcuaro A couple months ago, as an off-shoot of the traditional Exchange, the Plant Exchange took up root (excuse the puns!), and is held the last Sunday of each month in the Plaza Vasco de Quiroga . Plant Exchange in Patzcuaro Plant Exchange in Patzcuaro This is the initiative of some energetic women looking for a way to bond with other people using plants as their medium. They want to broaden the variety of plants in the hou...