Traditional Cooks of Michoacan

“The Traditional Cooks of Michoacan” gained international fame as an Intangible UNESCO’s Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2010 in Nairobi, Kenya . "Traditional Mexican cuisine , culture community, ancient and alive is the Michoacán paradigm". Benedicta Alejo Master Cook from Michoacán In Michoacan , there are groups of cooks dedicated to traditional cuisine. At Hotel Mansión Iturbe , we invite you to experience the unforgettable delicacies of our famous Traditional Cooks of Michoacán . Michoacan Cuisine On the banks of Lake Patzcuaro , you will find the traditional hostels of Santa Fe de la Laguna , but you will also find traditional cooks in various communities of our lacustrine region, such as Tzintzuntzan, Tzurumútaro, Opongio, Erongarícuaro, Tarerio, San Jerónimo Purénchecuaro, and on the famous lake islands of Janitzio , Pcanda, or Yunuén. Doña Ines Dimas making fresh lime juice in Santa Fe de La Laguna ...