Mansion Iturbe: A Journey in Time in the Heart of Patzcuaro

MansióIturbe, a historical legacy, has housed illustrious characters and witnessed crucial events in the history of Pátzcuaro. In this post, we will dwell on the figure of Don Francisco de Iturbe (Yturbe) y Heriz, a prominent merchant of the eighteenth century, who made it the epicenter of his business. However, this majestic construction has a much richer history, full of surprises and fascinating characters.

To tell you this fascinating story, we have relied on the research of the renowned historian Dr. José Manuel Martínez Aguilar, in his book “Patzcuaro seen from the Iturbe Mansion”, as well as the family archives of the owners of Mansión Iturbe.


Patzcuaro was a major trade center in the region, thanks to the Manila Galleon


In the heart of Michoacán, Pátzcuaro holds a historical treasure that connects it with the distant lands of Asia. Through the route of the Manila Galleon, this peaceful lakeside town became an important trade center, thanks to its geographic location, anMansióIturbe played a key role in that history.

Hotel Mansion Iturbe a Historical Hotel in Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico
Hotel Mansion Iturbe a Historical Hotel in Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico

Behind the colonial facade of this emblematic building, and beyond its architectural beauty, hides a fascinating history. Its adobe walls hold the echo of important negotiations throughout its history. Don Francisco de Iturbe (Yturbe) y Heriz (one name, despite the “y”) was a visionary man, who took advantage of the route of the Manila Galleon to grow his business. Imagine the exotic treasures that must have passed through Pátzcuaro. What secrets does this mansion hold that we have not yet discovered?


Francisco de Iturbe (Yturbe) y Heriz: A visionary in commerce and administration

Francisco de Iturbe y Heriz played a fundamental role in the development of Pátzcuaro. Arriving as a very young man to this magical town, approximately in 1783 from the province of Guipuzcoa, Spain, he was a representative of the firm of his uncle Don Emeterio de Iturbe e Iraeta, who lived in Mexico City and was the director of the Royal Philippine Company in New Spain.  He was a famous trader of goods from the Manila Galleon and soon became his uncle's partner.

Francisco de Iturbe y Heriz, in addition to being a prosperous merchant and landowner, held important public positions as Administrator of the Royal Customs and the Royal Tobacco Revenue, as well as alderman of the City Council of Pátzcuaro. These positions allowed him to influence the economic and political life of the region.

Francisco de Iturbe y Heriz
Francisco de Iturbe y Heriz

La Mansión Iturbe Was aImportante Commercial Center

Mansión Iturbe, under the direction of Francisco de Iturbe y Heriz, became an important center of commerce.  From its ample warehouses where the mule trains arrived at the store located in front of the Main Plaza (currently Plaza Vasco de Quiroga), exotic merchandise such as silk, porcelain, ivory pieces and spices, were distributed and traded, coming from the Manila Galleon; which had previously disembarked in Acapulco and were later traded in different towns of New Spain,” Mansión Iturbe was not only the primary House of Commerce and mule teeming, but also the residence of Francisco de Iturbe y Heriz, upstairs.

The legacy of Francisco de Iturbe y Heriz and the impact of the Manila Galleon in Pátzcuaro are palpable to this day. The carefully restored MansióIturbe is a testament to that golden age. Today, visitors can immerse themselves in history and enjoy a unique experience in this hotel that houses a great history. Founded more than 54 years ago, Mansión Iturbe has become one of the most traditional hotels in Michoacán.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the history and charm of Mexico at Mansión Iturbe. This emblematic building, a jewel of Novo-Hispanic architecture, will open the doors to an unforgettable experience in the heart of Pátzcuaro. Enjoy the elegance of a historic hotel and modern comfort in an environment full of tradition. A must-see hotel for lovers of history and culture.

*Text and pictures property of Hotel Mansión Iturbe.

We invite you to check more post in our blog, you will find information about Pátzcuaro and its surroundings that we hope, it will be useful for your next trip to our colonial town in Mexico.

Here are some posts that we suggest you:

Pátzcuaro a journey to the heart of knowledge of New Spain

Fourteen Points of Interest in Pátzcuaro

Pátzcuaro a Magical Getaway

Hotel Mansion Iturbe

Portal Morelos 59
Plaza Vasco de Quiroga
61600 Patzcuaro, Michoacan

For more information about our Hotel in Patzcuaro

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