En nuestro Hotel en Pátzcuaro, queremos que conozcas los diferentes lugares turísticos que puedes disfrutar en la Región del Lago de Pátzcuaro.
Por: Margarita Pedraza Arriaga
Michoacan at the Tianguis Turístico de Mexico 2014
TheTianguis Turistico de Mexico (a Mexican Tourism Trade Show) was held in
Cancún, Quintana Roo, May 6-9, and included all the tourist destinations in
Michoacan Booth at the Tianguis Turistico de Mexico
Chiapas Booth at the Tianguis Turistico de Mexico
Guerrero booth at the Tianguis Turistico de Mexico
It was a venue
where Michoacan could put its best foot forward for national and international
tourism professionals.It included not
only our primary tourist attractions, but also our rich culture.
The Michoacan cuisine was present at the Tianguis Turistico de Mexico
The Michoacan delegation was led by the Secretary of Michoacan Tourism
Roberto Monroy Garcia and his entourage, including hotel owners from around the
State.Naturally, Hotel Mansion Iturbe was there as part of the Patzcuaro group. The Michoacan booth was festively adorned
with the creative wares of our Michoacan
artisans, and with photos of our attractions and our traditional Michoacan cuisine.
The Michoacan Booth at the Tianguis Turistico de México
couldn’t miss the enormous, whimsical sombrero with streamers that topped our
booth.Representations of our famous monarch butterflies were part of the
display, and guests could even sample our mezcal nearby.
The enormous sombrero at the Michoacán Booth at the Tianguis Turístico de México
The renowned Master Cook Benedicta Alejo and Chef Cinthya Martinez, where also there cooking traditional recipes from Michoacan.
Master Cook Benedicta Alejo and the International Press at the Tianguis Turistico de México
were everywhere, and one of their favorite subjects was the image of the
gigantic Monarch Butterfly at our booth.
Michoacan booth at the Tianguis Turistico de México
During the
kick-off cocktail party in the Xcaret Park, the ever-delightful Viejitos danced their mesmerizing
dance to the enjoyment of all.
Danza de los Viejitos Dance during the Tianguis Turistico cocktail openning in Xcaret
Important to
notice that Michoacan will be back in Xcaret in November as a guest with an
exposition of our Night of the Dead Season.
Agreement betweet Michoacan Government & Xcaret Park at the Tianguis Turísitico de Máxico
A new Tourist’s Guide of Michoacan was presented
by "Mexico Desconocido" with
information on various World Heritage Sites – of which Michoacan is one – along with different “routes,” including those
of Don Vasco, the Turtle, Mezcal, Purepecha plateau, etc.
presentation of this Tourist’s Guide included an acknowledgement of the famed
designer Cristina Pineda for promoting the cultural richness of Michoacan and
Mexico, through her company Pineda Covalin.
Acknowledgement from the Michoacan Government to the Disgner Cristina Pineda
Exhibition of Pineda Covalin during the Tianguis Turistico de Mexico
We hope you
enjoy this brief tour of the Tourism Faire, a highlight of which was the
participation of Michoacan.
Danza de los Viejitos Video at Tianguis Turístico de México in Xcaret
A lot of sucess for the Danza de los Viejitos from Michoacan in Xcaret at the Tianguis Turistico de México
*Text, Pictures and Videos property of Hotel Mansión Iturbe.
We invite you to check more articles in our blog, where you can find interesting information for your next trip to Pátzcuaro, here are some post that we suggest you:
Blog de Viajes en México especializado en que visitar en Pátzcuaro y sus alrededores, mostrando los atractivos de nuestro Pueblo Mágico; desde nuestra visión en Hotel Mansión Iturbe.
Queremos que vivas una experiencia única de acuerdo a tus expectativas. Te proporcionamos información para que tú mismo armes tu ruta y vivas una experiencia de viaje enriquecedora; entrando en contacto con la cultura local.
Conoce nuestras costumbres y tradiciones, descubre a destacados creadores de Arte Popular Mexicano y deléitate con la Cocina Michoacana.
Se prohíbe la reproducción parcial o total del contenido de este blog, incluyendo sus textos, fotografías y videos sin previo y expreso consentimiento por escrito del Autor.