K’uinchekua – An Event to Enjoy the Cultural Greatness of Michoacán

K'uinchekua, the Fiesta de Michoacán (March 18-20), showed us how great and rich our culture is, with three days of celebration when the Michoacanos had the opportunity to attend and celebrate our culture and showcased our traditions, living in harmony with the joy of the many artists who proudly displayed their talents.

K'unichekua: The Fiesta de Michoacán. The dance of the Old Men
K'unichekua: The Fiesta de Michoacán. The dance of the Old Men

With their different interpretations, they raised the legacy inherited by their ancestors, the native peoples of Michoacán, communities that proudly showed us such an important part of their identity.

K'unichekua: The Fiesta de Michoacán. The dance of the Fish from Lake Patzcuaro
K'unichekua: The Fiesta de Michoacán. The dance of the Fish from Lake Patzcuaro

Dances, music, impressive clothing with extraordinary embroidery, wood carving on their masks, including the lavishness in the feathers of the Tlahualiles of Sahuayo, a sample of their cultural heritage.

K'unichekua: The Fiesta de Michoacán. The dance of the Kurpites of San Juan Parangaricutiro
K'unichekua: The Fiesta de Michoacán. The dance of the Kurpites of San Juan Parangaricutiro

It was a splendid stage, framed by the Yácatas of Tzintzuntzan, with magnificent lighting that we had not seen before, and showed off the greatness of the archaeological site, the former capital of the Purépecha empire.

K'uinchekua : The Fiesta de Michoacán at las Yacatas of Tzintzuntzan
K'uinchekua : The Fiesta de Michoacán at las Yacatas of Tzintzuntzan

More than 200 artists delighted us with their delivery on stage, but Nana Paula elevated the event with her rendition of a 102-year-old dance from the community of Jarácuaro in the Lake Pátzcuaro Region.  She clearly stood out in the event with her joy and enthusiasm.

Danza de los Kurpites de San Juan Parangaricutiro

Various artistic interpretations made their mark from different regions of Michoacán, not only from the Pátzcuaro Lake region, but different regions of the State, such as Tierra Caliente and Tarecuato and Sahuayo.

K'uinchekua the Fiesta de Michoacán, Ladies from Santa Fe de la Laguna
K'uinchekua the Fiesta de Michoacán, Ladies from Santa Fe de la Laguna

Other genres in which Michoacán who put their best foot forward were the Tzintzuni Philharmonic Orchestra, accompanying tenor Juan del Bosco, who represented Janitzio with the famous melody of Agustín Lara, and Mariachi musician Juvenil Galleros, who delighted us with popular songs such as Caminos de Michoacán, Juan Colorado, and Lindo Es Michoacán.

K'uinchekua the Fiesta de Michoacán, Dance of the Fish from Pátzcuaro Lake Region
K'uinchekua the Fiesta de Michoacán, Dance of the Fish from Pátzcuaro Lake Region

The K'unichekua is a great event in which the communities are the center of attention, and their art and traditions generate enormous pride among the Michoacanos.  And the national and international spectators are there in force to show their sincere appreciation for the efforts of the artists.

K'unichekua an event to Enjoy the Cultural Greatness of Michoacán
K'unichekua an event to Enjoy the Cultural Greatness of Michoacán

K'unichekua an event to Enjoy the Cultural Greatness of Michoacán
K'unichekua an event to Enjoy the Cultural Greatness of Michoacán

K'unichekua an event to Enjoy the Cultural Greatness of Michoacán
K'unichekua an event to Enjoy the Cultural Greatness of Michoacán

*Text, pictures and video property of Hotel Mansión Iturbe.

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Hotel Mansión Iturbe
Portal Morelos 59

Plaza Vasco de Quiroga
61600 Pátzcuaro, Michoacán.

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