Altar de Dolores (Altar of Sorrows) – An Easter Tradition

 The Altar of Dolores is one of the customs of the Easter season that has been preserved since colonial times in Mexico, and that continues to be honored for generations. In Pátzcuaro tradition has been preserved for many years in our Hotel Mansion Iturbe.

Altar of Sorrows an Easter Tradition at Hotel Mansion Iturbe in Patzcuaro
Altar of Sorrows an Easter Tradition at Hotel Mansion Iturbe in Patzcuaro

We are sad to say that this year, due to the pandemic, our Altar of Dolores will not available to the public.

We suggest that you prepare your own Altar of Dolores!

This altar should be prepared for “Dolores’ Friday,” which is the Friday before Palm Sunday.

Here are some of the elements of the Altar of Dolores, which you can use lar make your own Altar:

The colors to be used are Purple and White, which represent the mourning of the Sorrowful Virgin.

Obviously, we need a representation of the Sorrowful Mary, which can be a painting, a photograph, or a statue or carving.

Different-colored water represent the following:

·         White:  Purity of the virgin.

·         Green:  Hope in the resurrection.

·         Orange:  The afternoon of the crucifixion.

·         Red:  Blood of Christ.

Wheat seeds are also included in the Altar.  They represent the host that symbolizes the presence of Christ.

Oranges:  The bitterness of Christ's death.

Golden Flags:  Proclamation of Christ’s Resurrection.

Glass spheres that reflect candlelight.

We can all contribute to the preservation of our Mexican traditions, especially this Tradition of the Altar of Dolores that dates back to colonial times in Mexico.

Alta de Dolores at Mansion Iturbe in Pátzcuaro

*Text, Video and Picture property of Hotel Mansión Iturbe.

We invite you to check more post in our blog, you will find information about Pátzcuaro and its surroundings that we hope will be useful for your next visit to our colonial town in Mexico:

Here are some post that we suggest you:

Seven reasons to visit Patzcuaro

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Hotel Mansion Iturbe

Portal Morelos 59
Plaza Vasco de Quiroga
61600 Patzcuaro, Michoacan

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