Hotel Mansión Iturbe has received Acknowledgement of Good Safety and Hygiene Practices

Hotel Mansión Iturbe in Pátzcuaro , has received Acknowledgement of Good Safety and Hygiene Practices , granted by the government of the State of Michoacán. Hotel Mansion Iturbe: Acknowledgement of Good Safety and Higyene Practices Following the guidelines established by the Ministry of Health in conjunction with the Ministry of Tourism of Michoacán , we have developed our safety and hygiene protocols to address the Covid-19 pandemic. In this way, we join the actions carried out jointly by the government of Michoacán and the private sector, seeking to make Michoacán a safe destination for our visitors . Patzcuaro Main Square viewed from a balcony at Hotel Mansion Iturbe The State of Michoacán has also just received the Safe Travels Stamp awarded by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) . These protocols were developed in coordination with the World Tourism Organization and the World Health Organization . Therefore, the protocols developed by the government of Mi...