Artisan Exhibition of Night of the Dead in Patzcuaro
The Day of the Dead Artisan Exhibition is one of the main annual attractions in the State of Michoacan . The rituals of the venerated ancestros celebrated in the lake region of Patzcuaro are well known, and the Artisan Exhibition , held right in front of Hotel Mansión Iturbe, is also anticipated with much enthusiasm. The majestic Plaza Vasco de Quiroga – one of the most beautiful in Mexico – is the perfect venue for showing off the indigenous folk art of Michoacan. Most of the techniques were either perfected or learned during the era of Don Vasco de Quiroga’s evangelism in the sixteenth century, and have been handed down from parents to their children. The efforts of Don Vasco – “Tata Vasco,” as he is affectionately called – are never forgotten. Michoacán is outstanding in its cultural wealth, as seen through its artisanship. The hands of the Purépechas (indigenous) craft pieces of fine work...