Autopista Arco Norte – a new short cut from the east
Now, drivers from Puebla , Tlaxcala , Hidalgo , and other states of the republic, can get to Patzcuaro quicker than ever. That means Mansión Iturbe – the renowned 17 th Century hotel facing the famous Plaza Vasco de Quiroga – is also more accessible from major points east. Mansión Iturbe is on the federal registry of Historical Hotels. The new Arco Norte facilitates access between major destinations, including the Purhépecha basin. Its 223 kilometers ( 138 miles ) pass through the states of Mexico , Hidalgo , Tlaxcala and Puebla , hooking up with the following autopistas: México-Querétaro, México-Pachuca, México-Tuxpan (vía Tulancingo), México-Puebla, and México-Guadalajara. This important new autopista shortens the driving distances considerably, decreasing road time to your favorite destinations to enjoy architecture, archaeology, local artisanry, and culinary delights, as well as...