Cotija - Michoacán’s Newest Pueblo Mágico (Magical Village)

Cotija is Michoacán’s new Pueblo Mágico - one more reason for you to visit our state on your next vacation. Cotija is famous for its cheese has won many international awards. But Cotija , located in western Michoacán , has much more to offer than its namesake cheese. SO! If you have the urge to visit Cotija on your next vacation, here is some important and relevant information: Just how to get there is obviously the first question we get at Hotel Mansión Iturbe about Cotija . From Pátzcuaro , you could turn it into a day trip, and get to know the State of Michoacán a little better in addition to investigating our new Pueblo Mágico . Cotija is 170 kilometers (105 miles) from Pátzcuaro , very close to the border of the State of Jalisco. Check your favorite phone app to see which route best suits your needs. Cotija, Michoacán. Foto property of SECTUR Michoacán Cotija, from the indigenous Chichimeca word “cut...