Ocumicho’s Mischievous Little Demons
Deep in the Purépecha homeland of Charapan, we find the small community of Ocumicho, known for its fantastic and fanciful variations on the theme of the devil. These colorful clay figures are hand-made, and are pure mischief and imagination. When you see one of these figures, you know beyond a shadow of doubt, “Ah! That’s from Ocumicho! No one else does it like this!” Over the years, the little demons of Ocumicho have evolved into a wildly popular piece of artisanware. They have become a particularly sought-after treasure at the famous Artisan Flea Market, held during the celebration of Night of the Dead in Pátzcuaro, and in the Palm Sunday and Holy Week events in Uruapan and Pátzcuaro. The Night of the Dead Artisan Flea Market in Pátzcuaro (around the last week of October and the first week of November) is held in the Plaza Vasco de Quiroga, right across the street from Hotel Mansión Iturbe. It is here and at this time that the “best of the best” exam...